Network & Learn alongside local teachers
The WSMTA Program Co-Chairs work hard to create a high-quality engaging program that provides professional development in the various responsibilities that come with being a music educator. There are 7 meetings that are held between September to May. Being an active part of the meetings throughout the year provides many networking opportunities.
Newer teachers who become WSMTA members have the opportunity to be paired up with an experienced teacher. Teachers are also encouraged to seek out other fellow colleagues who have different expertise in areas such as the numerous MMTA programs and continued education opportunities. There is a mentorship list available on our Teacher Portal, which is included in monthly e-newsletters.
December Luncheon
WSMTA hosts a member luncheon after our December meeting. Lunch and beverages are provided and allow all members a social time to connect over lunch. See the 2024-2025 Meetings page which includes the luncheon day/time.
Continuing Education Credits
Attendance at four general meetings per year counts as one point for MTNA Recertification (NCTM) under “Attendance at local pedagogical programs.”
Teachers who work in schools are able to count attendance towards continuing education requirements.